Dinner Meeting/Tozzi's on 12th Street; March 4, 2025 @6:30
Dinner Meeting (Membership Drive)/Arrowhead Golf Club; April 1, 2025 @6:30
Dinner Meeting/Lucia's; May 6, 2025 @6:30
Dinner Meetng/LaPizzaria; June 3, 2025 @ 6:30
And the winner is ... well there is no current winner. The pot is now approximately $1,050 and growing. Attend the next meeting for your chance to be the next Coppe Di Fortuna winner!
The last winner was ... Vince DePasquale won over $770 in our Coppe di Fortuna fund raiser and generously donated $300 back to the club. Congratulations Vince and thanks for the generous donation!di Fortuna". We reset in January, 2024 and begin an new game of Coppie di Fortuna, our Italian version of Queen of Hearts. Click here to view the rules. Don't miss out on your opportunity to win. Join us at our next meeting and be a Coppe di Fortuna winner.
The club has developed a new and exciting way to raise funds for the the club. Have you heard of "Queen of Hearts" game played at local bars and restaurants? Well, why not the Italian Version called "Coppe di Fortuna". Click here to view the rules. We kicked off Coppe di Fortuna the first week but there was no winner so the pot increased for the next meeting. Hurry before you miss out on your opportunity to win. Join us at our next meeting and be a Coppe di Fortuna winner.
Scholarships were awarded to twenty college-bound students at our annual Unique Club Scholarship Dinner on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The event was held at beautiful Arrowhead Golf & Event Center. The food was incredible and members and guests were treated like royalty by Arrowhead's staff. The resume's of Scholarship recipients was mind-boggling.
Click here to view photos of last night's Scholarsip recipients.
June 3 Report - Although the cloudy overcasted sky looked ominous, inside the Pavillion was festive as 50 Unique Club Members and guests shared laughter, played games and of course in Italian tradition had enough good food to feed an Army. Thanks to Nick Cianchetti for chairing this event, Andy Ginella for supplying the delicious sausage, Steve DiPietro and Pizza Over for providing the buns and a host of other very generous individuals for donating baskets and door prizes.
Picnic Promotion - Nick Cianchetti is chairing a fun family event on June 2 at Fry Family Shelter, located at 2533 Farber St SE, Magnolia, OH 44643. Nick has found a location suitable for Bocce and Cornhole with a large covered shelter should the weather not cooperate. Come celebrate our Italian heritage with family and friends with games and good food including sausage, of course. Tickets are only $5 each or $10 for your entire family. Members are encouraged to bring their children, grandchildren and other family members for a total cost of only $10. Contact Nick for tickets at 330-388-1484 or email ncianchetti@gmail.com. Click here for the flier.
The club got a very favorable quote from Sliman's Printing to print 100 booklets of our directory on glossy paper with a durable cover page. The directory includes photos and contact information for club members plus information about the club, board of directors and our website. There were a few extra pages left and Dean Olivieri, Samuel Rinalli and Frank Luckino stepped up with ads to essentially pay for the cost of printing. We are hopeful to have the booklets available for our March meeting.
Dick Moecia is co-chairing a Digital Directory for all club members with help from Mike Betro, Mike Sopczak and Mike Mascioli. It was recently redesigned for hand-held devices. To view the member's photo, click his name; To send an email, click the email address; and to make a telephone call, just click the number. If we haven't captured your photo for the directory yet, please attend the next meeting so that a picture can be taken or send one to rmoecia@gmail.com. You may view the Digital Directory at the gated "Members" page.
Congratulations to the five winners last night who split the prize money at Unique Club's "Ray Sprankle Memorial Reverse Raffle". They were: AR, Luckino Foot & Ankle, Bill's Books & More, Little Learners and Suzanna Ginella. Thanks Mark and Adam Mahon, Ray Sprankle and their spouses who conducted this very successful event and for the 100 guests who supported our fund raiser. Also, thanks to LaPizzaria for their hospitality, delicious food and great atmospere for this fun event.
The following is a list of officers for the new calendar year: